Young Car Mechanic is, for many young mechanics, the first significant test of their knowledge and skills in the field of vehicle repair. It's also an opportunity for the whole industry, as the initiative promotes the mechanic profession to young people who will be its strength in the future. Supporting this project is a part of the philosophies of the partners, whose numbers are growing every year. What do they personally say about the Young Car Mechanic competition?

Positive and expert image of the mechanics
- “During more than 30 years of Bosch's presence in Poland, we have always attached great importance to the technical competence of auto mechanics. As a leading supplier of automotive parts for both OEM and aftermarket, we are actively involved in technical education projects. We are seeing a growing demand for qualified auto repair garage employees," says Pawel Hanczewski, Bosch Mobility Aftermarket Sales Director for Central and Eastern Europe.
Inter Cars managers responsible for the creation and organization of the competition also see the need to foster a passion for motorization among young students, so that they want to develop in the profession of a car mechanic. The development of their competence is one of the main objectives of the Young Personnel program, which organizes the Young Car Mechanic competition. How do the other partners perceive it?
- “In an era of great changes in the automotive industry, it is incredibly important to educate true professionals who follow these changes, equipped with the proper competence and professionalism. After all, in the near future, these people will be the ones who will be responsible for taking care of the technical condition of the vehicles on our roads," says Adam Gryczka, Sales Manager from Filtron Polska.
- “The education and training of young mechanics is an investment in the future of the automotive industry. We believe that these activities will result in the development of our industry and an in-flow of talented young people full of enthusiasm for work. The automotive market is developing dynamically. Our role as manufacturers of parts and technology is also to support workshop owners and mechanics facing the challenges of operating, repairing, or servicing modern vehicles, equipped with increasingly advanced technologies and systems," says Michał Głażewski, Head of PC & CV Workshop Networks & Technical Service Baltic/Nordic/Poland from ZF Aftermarket.

Mechanics is the profession of the future!
Increasingly advanced technology, complex systems, and an emphasis on safety issues - are just some of the challenges that car manufacturers pose to specialists in our industry. All of this means that car mechanics will be an increasingly demanded profession, which means that the need for qualified specialists will undoubtedly grow. Therefore, what competencies are worth developing?
- “The work that mechanics do will likely be linked to the electrification of vehicles and automation in the future. Mechanics will need to acquire skills in the field of electric motor maintenance and diagnostics based on digital technologies. The growing interest in sustainable transportation is already affecting the growing popularity of electric vehicles, which is demanding additional specialization in eco-friendly technologies”, says Tomasz Hurt, Technical Manager from Delphi.
- “In the future, mechanics will have to cope with new drive technologies where digitalization plays an important role too. There will be significant changes to the vehicle fleet in the future, especially for high-voltage vehicles. In order to be able to work on these vehicles, mechanics will have to undergo special training, which will also change the demand for vehicle repairs”, says Patrick Stüdemann, Head of Technical Training from Meyle.
- “Mechanics will be required to specialize in selected structural areas, such as a transmission or power system. Based on this approach, we can say that car repairs will be modular, involving the replacement of a specific assembly and its adaptation to function in the system. Performing diagnostic and adaptation procedures also involves specialized equipment and direct use of information provided by car manufacturers. To sum up, the profession of mechanics as we know it today will change dramatically. Many tasks associated with typical repair, such as engine or transmission repair, will be excluded. In many cases, the mechanic will be a kind of coordinator of the information flow from the manufacturer to the car," says Jerzy Kaparuk, Technical Advisor - Trainer from FEBI.
- Over the next decade, trends suggest that a number of ways in which the skills required to work in the automotive industry will change. Alongside technical and trade jobs, workshops will need staff with new skills. As a proportion of its total workplace, the repair center of the future will have fewer metalworkers, mechanical engineers, and traditional electro-engineers. The time to make the younger generation enthusiastic about the automotive industry and train staff on next-gen skills is now. Workshop owners know they need to start training existing staff and recruiting new ones to be able to keep on competing in the very challenging automotive after-market. – says Nathalie Richard, Indirect Marketing Operations Manager Europe & Africa from Shell.

Young Car Mechanic saves the industry
The Young Car Mechanic competition is an initiative created by Inter Cas and supported by suppliers of auto parts. Each year, the group of partners expands to include more manufacturers who want a change and to support the development of young car school students. This is a clear sign to the market to join forces for the common good.
- “All kinds of initiatives designed to encourage young people standing on the threshold of adulthood to choose the profession of car mechanic are positive and desirable. The Young Car Mechanic competition, which has international status, follows this convention. It allows students not only to compete with others but also to improve their knowledge and skills. The trips to national or international finals and attractive prizes influence even more the students' decision to join this competition," says Roman Boluk, Head of Training from Contitech.

- “The Young Car Mechanic competition is a very interesting initiative launched by Inter Cars. First of all, the interested students, while preparing for the next stages, expand their previously acquired knowledge. Qualifying for the national and international finals, they can face demanding and varied practical tasks. They can see what may await them in their future careers and how many different competencies are needed on a daily basis in the work of a mechanic," says Korneliusz Kąkol, Sales Manager IAM Poland from Elring.

- The competition is first and foremost a chance for students to learn about the newest solutions used in cars, and also allows them to test their knowledge on a "living organism." It also lets people realize that a mechanic today is a person with many skills focused on a car," adds Marek Jeleń, Business Development Manager from NRF.

- “Young Car Mechanic helps future mechanics learn more about the profession from the practical side. He highlights the importance of acquiring new skills and training. We often emphasize that without a good battery, you can't drive, therefore, the knowledge about batteries, their proper selection, diagnosis, installation, operation, and also recycling should be acquired by every professional mechanic”, says Magdalena Broszkiewicz, Marketing Manager from Varta.